- selenious acid
- селенистая кислота
English-Russian dictionary of chemistre. 2014.
English-Russian dictionary of chemistre. 2014.
selenious acid — noun : a poisonous hygroscopic crystalline acid H2SeO3 that is a weaker acid than sulfurous acid, that is an oxidizing agent yielding selenium as it is reduced and that is made by oxidizing selenium with nitric acid or by dissolving selenium… … Useful english dictionary
selenious acid — se·le·ni·ous acid sə .lē nē əs n a poisonous hygroscopic crystalline acid H2SeO3 that is a weaker acid than sulfurous acid and is an oxidizing agent yielding selenium as it is reduced * * * se·le·ni·ous ac·id (sə leґne əs) [USP]… … Medical dictionary
selenious acid — Chem. a colorless, crystalline, water soluble, poisonous powder, H2SeO3, used chiefly as a reagent. [1825 35] * * * … Universalium
Telluric acid — Telluric acid … Wikipedia
Selenic acid — Chembox new Name = Selenic acid ImageFile = Selenic acid 2D.png ImageName = Selenic acid ImageFile1 = Selenic acid 3D vdW.png ImageName1 = Selenic acid IUPACName = Selenic(VI) acid OtherNames = Selenic acid Section1 = Chembox Identifiers SMILES … Wikipedia
Selenous acid — (also known as selenious acid) is the chemical compound with the formula H2SeO3, perhaps more descriptively written as (HO)2SeO. Selenous acid is the principal oxoacid of selenium.Formation and propertiesSelenous acid is analogous to sulfurous… … Wikipedia
selenous acid — n. a colorless, transparent, crystalline powder, H2SeO3, soluble in water and used as a reagent: also selenious acid * * * … Universalium
selenous acid — n. a colorless, transparent, crystalline powder, H2SeO3, soluble in water and used as a reagent: also selenious acid … English World dictionary
selenium — /si lee nee euhm/, n. Chem. a nonmetallic element chemically resembling sulfur and tellurium, occurring in several allotropic forms, as crystalline and amorphous, and having an electrical resistance that varies under the influence of light.… … Universalium
tellurium — /te loor ee euhm/, n. Chem. a rare, lustrous, brittle, crystalline, silver white element resembling sulfur in its properties, and usually occurring in nature combined with gold, silver, or other metals of high atomic weight: used in the… … Universalium
selenous — variant of selenious * * * /seuh lee neuhs, sel euh /, adj. Chem. selenious. * * * selēˈnious or selēˈnous adjective Of selenium in lower valency (selenious acid H2SeO3) • • • Main Entry: ↑selenic … Useful english dictionary